Zdrojový kód stránky Starší verze Zpětné odkazy Main window of ASTER Control Panel The main window of the „ASTER Control Panel“ provides access to all the settings of the ASTER program. In addition to the name of the program, the window title includes ASTER version and the type of ASTER license, its status (whether its is switched on and workplaces are started), as well as the number of the workplaces are displayed. The control panel has multiple tabs, and the content of the tabs change depending on which tab is currently selected. The contents of the two bottom lines on the ASTER control panel are always constant. i.e. they do not change when switching tabs. Their functions are listed in the following subsections. „Reboot the system“ - this button is hidden by default. It shows itself when a settings has been changed that required the computer to restart for the change the take effect. you can click this button when you are ready to reboot the system, or restart the computer from the windows controls. „Apply“ button. Most of the ASTER settings when changed are not directly applied and stored until you click the „Apply“ button. If there are no changes that require saving, this button will be inactive (grey). When saving some settings, you need to provide administrative privileges. This is indicated by the shield on the button. If an administrative privilege is really needed, the program displays a standard Windows UAC request (User account control). „Help (F1)“ button allows you to get a context-sensitive help. Just place the mouse cursor on the desired element of the interface and press F1. „Exit“ button terminates the program, rather than minimizing tot he notification area. „Installation ID“ displays ASTER installation ID. To copy this long identifier to the clipboard, just click on it with the mouse. „Support Request“ button is used to contact the ASTER support service. When clicked the „Support Request“, window opens, in which you need to fill out the request form and send a request to the ASTER support service. Please use this method of applying for help and not the way to send a request via e-mail.