{{indexmenu_n>165}} {{anchor:articles_pakistanschool}} ====== Deployment of ASTER Multiseat in a School Computer Lab ====== |{{ ..:..:..:pakistanschool_1.png?nolink&550x517 |ASTER in Action. 6 virtual workplaces are organized}}| | **ASTER in Action. 6 virtual workplaces are organized** | **Introduction** In today's fast-paced world, efficient utilization of resources is paramount, especially in educational institutions like NGS NESPAK in Lahore, Pakistan, where the demand for computer resources often surpasses availability and has limited access to funds. To address this issue and enhance the learning experience for students, the deployment of the ASTER Multiseat software solution in the computer lab is an optimal choice. In this article I will share the experience of deploying ASTER Multiseat software, explaining its benefits, hardware requirements, costs, and potential challenges faced. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how this solution can revolutionize IT infrastructure like computer labs. At our NGS NESPAK Campus in Lahore, Pakistan, we successfully implemented the ASTER Solution, utilizing a single CPU as the computing hub with six seats. This deployment has been running smoothly, effectively handling our workloads. During my visit to GITEX23 in Dubai, I had the opportunity to meet with the ASTER team and discuss our specific requirements. After this meeting, I made the decision to deploy the ASTER Multiseat System at our school. Within a matter of days, we seamlessly integrated the ASTER Multiseat System into our Computer Lab having 6 seats. |{{ ..:..:..:pakistanschool_2.png?nolink&550x291 |Teacher and children use 1 PC and 6 ASTER workplaces}}| | **Teacher and children use 1 PC and 6 ASTER workplaces** | **What is ASTER Multiseat?** |{{ ..:..:..:pakistanschool_3.png?nolink&550x343 }}| | **How to connect peripherals for 4 workplaces to 1 PC** | ASTER Multiseat is a powerful software solution that enables multiple users to work on a single computer simultaneously. It effectively divides a single computer into multiple workstations, each with its own set of peripherals, including monitors, keyboards, and mice. This allows educational institutions like NGS NESPAK to maximize their hardware resources, making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly. All workspaces are connected to the PC through USB cables and dock stations. The user interface of ASTER is exceptionally user-friendly, allowing for quick and easy setup. **Hardware Configurations** Before deploying ASTER Multiseat, it's essential to ensure that the hardware configurations meet the necessary requirements: **Central Computer:** This serves as the main system, housing all the necessary components like CPU, RAM, enough USB ports and storage. It should have adequate processing power and memory to support multiple user sessions. In our specific use case, we have opted for an i5 4th Generation processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 128GB SSD to accommodate our workloads. It's important to note that the choice of CPU and its associated hardware is crucial and should be tailored to the specific use case requirements. **Additional Peripherals:** Each user station requires a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Ensure these peripherals are compatible with the central computer. **Graphic cards:** Depending on the number of user stations, you may need multiple graphics cards. High-end graphics cards with multiple video outputs are ideal for providing a seamless user experience. We are using South Korean manufactured dock stations with GPU inside instead of graphic cards. |{{ ..:..:..:pakistanschool_4.png?nolink&550x281 }}| | **Dock station with all necessary ports for one ASTER workplace** | **USB Hub:** A USB hub may be required to connect keyboards, mice, and other peripherals to the central computer if the CPU does not have enough USB ports. Since our setup included the dock stations with USB ports, we did not need an additional USB Hub. **Network Connectivity:** Ideally, ethernet connectivity is good enough. In our case, we are connecting using wireless WiFi and serving the purpose. By ensuring your hardware is properly configured and drivers installed, you can create a smooth and efficient computing environment for your students. Always, check the loose connections when having some issues. **Cost / Operational Benefits** Deploying ASTER Multiseat software at NGS NESPAK's computer lab offers several cost and operational benefits: **Cost-Efficiency:** Instead of purchasing and maintaining multiple individual computers, you can use ASTER Multiseat to maximize the use of existing hardware, resulting in significant cost savings. In our infrastructures, we replaced 5 CPUs with 5 dock stations saving around $150 per seat. **Energy Savings:** Running a single central computer and peripherals consumes less energy than multiple independent workstations, reducing electricity costs and the institution's carbon footprint. **Simplified Maintenance:** Managing a single central computer is more straightforward and cost-effective than maintaining multiple systems. Updates, software installations, and troubleshooting can be done more efficiently. We encountered these issues regularly, but with this deployment, we expect a significant reduction in our IT maintenance costs. **Enhanced Space Utilization: **By reducing the number of physical workstations, you free up space in the computer lab for other purposes or additional resources. **Scalability: **The system can easily scale up or down as needed, accommodating the institution's changing demands. Furthermore, you have the ability to control the number of workspaces or seats that can be activated at any given time. Activating a workspace as needed is as simple as a single click. **Installation Challenges Faced** While deploying ASTER Multiseat offers numerous advantages, some challenges we face are: **Hardware Compatibility:** Ensuring that the existing hardware meets the software's requirements can be a challenge. Older computers may need upgrades to function properly with the software. Selecting the appropriate dock station with Graphic card is crucial to prevent any latency issues with peripherals connected to the workspaces. **Software Compatibility:** Not all software applications are compatible with ASTER Multiseat, so you may need to assess and potentially replace some software. We needed to install drivers for the dock station along with a few other .NET dependencies. **User Training:** Students and staff may need training to adapt to the new system, which could require time and resources. We performed a series of stress tests to ensure that the system operates flawlessly and meets our requirements. **Following Configuration Steps: **To configure the system effectively, it's essential to follow the steps outlined in the provided documentation or seek guidance from technical support. One challenge we encountered was the assignment of peripherals to each workspace. However, we later discovered that the dock station manufacturer provides a client that automates this peripheral mapping process. |{{ ..:..:..:pakistanschool_5.png?nolink&550x329 |Automapping all peripherals to ASTER workplaces}}| | **Automapping all peripherals to ASTER workplaces** | Additionally, when making any configuration adjustments, ensure that the ASTER is disabled. One important point to be aware of is that users have the ability to move peripherals between workspaces in case their accounts are administrator accounts. It's important to ensure that students’ accounts are not administrator accounts.\\ Sometimes, you have to force start workspace(s) in case a workplace does not start automatically. Also, it will be good practice to monitor the resource consumption while doing a stress Test. **Conclusion ** Deploying ASTER Multiseat software at NGS NESPAK's computer lab in Lahore is a forward-thinking move that can revolutionize the institution's computing resources. It offers cost-efficiency, energy savings, simplified maintenance, and enhanced space utilization while providing a seamless computing experience for students. Though challenges may arise during the deployment, careful planning and addressing hardware and software compatibility issues can mitigate these concerns. Overall, ASTER Multiseat is a solution that can improve resource utilization, reduce costs, and contribute to a more efficient and sustainable educational environment. by [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/amjadraza/|DR. AMJAD RAZA]] of [[https://www.datafyassociates.com/|Datafy Associates]] on November 3 2023\\ Location: NGS NESPAK SCHOOL, LAHORE, PAKISTAN\\ Solution Provider: Datafy Associates |[[https://www.datafyassociates.com/| www.datafyassociates.com, ]]\\ Technology Providers: \\ ASTER Software : [[https://www.ibiksoft.com/|https://www.ibiksoft.com/]] \\ Dock stations : [[https://www.linkable.kr/24 |https://www.linkable.kr/24 ]] \\ \\ \\