Show pagesource Old revisions Backlinks "Workplaces" Tab The “workplaces” tab contains several sections that contain computer configuration items. Only PC items that can be assigned to the ASTER for one or more workstations are displayed here. The “System” section contains three sections and the image of the System Unit is a symbolic package of a real PC, the individual parts (devices) of which are displayed in the section below it. The context menu of the system unit contains several items, some of which allow you to open (directly from the ASTER) the necessary system settings for the configuration, and some to change the settings of ASTER. Three sections: “Spares” - displays devices that are not currently assigned to any workstation. “Shares” - displays the devices that are assigned/shared to all workplaces. “Inventory” - displays all the devices of the computer, including devices from “Spare Parts” and “Workplaces”. The section with “Workplace N” - is outlined area of the workplace where N - is its place number. The area of each workplace contains images of the devices including those shared with another workplace If you select the option “Master-Details View- in the Workplace Tab Settings. The “Workplaces” tab will switch to an advanced mode of the device's display. In this mode, the tab area is divided into two parts, wherein the upper part (All) devices of the assigned to the workplaces as one common picture and in the lower parts, a detailed list of devices is available. You need to click on the workplace to see the detailed composition of the devices assigned to it. A detailed view of the devices can also be useful for section Spares/Shares/Inventory the devices of the same class, although not grouped into one image, but viewing a large number of devices becomes difficult.