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en:v2:core:article:internetcafe [2022/05/25 15:15]
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-====== About My Internet Cafe ====== 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​I am Kisakye Stephen, a freshman university student in Uganda. I started up an internet cafĂ© last year in Mubende my home district in Uganda. I embarrassed desktop computers in the first case, but after studying electrical and hardware bills for a given period of time, I found out that they were not guienne compared to my monthly earnings. I started looking for a way to improve and upgrade to a cheap, better fewer maintenance expenses, simpler technology that can suit my situation.</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​So one day I was on the internet searching for the about thin clients and terminals on a local website in Uganda (OLX Uganda), in addition, the site browser brought</​font>​ASTER<​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​v7 link as one of the search results. Without wasting time, I rushed to</​font>​ASTER<​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​v7 link, after reading about how it worked, I suddenly gained interest I as looked easy and simple since it required traditional hardware that is common (Video cards).</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​I started looking for a way to reach out to IBIK personnel for more information for the technology looked impossible for me, after intensive consultation for more information and configuration. I went on the market and bought Video cards and installed them with the help of the guide provided, I then downloaded a trial version of</​font>​ASTER<​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​v7 and then installed it on my HCL duo core. This has greatly simplified my system, in that every who comes to my internet cafe is amazed at its technology and even some can't imagine who Simple it is!</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Although I still have a problem with video drivers conflict which disables other workstations leaving only the Main. I have also been limited by the computer'​s failure to start when I use AGP video cards thereby limiting the number of workstations I wanted to use with Aster software, if there any way in terms of any help on how I can maximize my workstations will be very, very grateful</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Otherwise,</​font>​ASTER <font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Software</​font><​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​technology</​font><​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​has</​font><​font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​greatly inspired even my customers on how I made it and many a consulting me on how it works</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Wow!!! Wow!!!.Wow!!!</​font>​ 
-<font 12.0pt/​12;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Thank you</​font>​ 