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Using the ASTER program (two or more workplaces). Latin American University

Computer laboratory:

Computer laboratoryComputer laboratory:


Initially, we used the BeTwin program to work with multiple sessions.

Ярлык программы BeTwin

However, this software is only compatible with Windows 7, for which updates and support are no longer available. As a result, we switched to Windows 10 and 11. However, BeTwin is not compatible with these operating systems, so we ultimately chose ASTER as a solution for creating multiple workstations based on one computer.


In terms of hardware, the following is required:

  • A case of sufficient size to accommodate all components.
  • Two monitors for increased productivity and visualization.
  • Two keyboards and two mice for simultaneous operation by two users.
  • A discrete graphics card with multiple outputs for connecting monitors.
  • Sufficient USB ports for connecting keyboards, mice, and other devices.
Front viewBack view

As for the software, it is necessary to:

  • Install the operating system and required programs for the hardware, including all drivers to ensure compatibility with the hardware.
  • Set up user accounts for different sessions to be used on the equipment.
  • Install the ASTER program and configure sessions available to each user.
Запуск АСТЕРОсновные настройки АСТЕРНастройка рабочих мест АСТЕР


Internet room 10 computers with three workstations per each, 30 students in total
Laboratory 201B Technology14 computers with three workstations per each, 28 students in total
Laboratory 202B Systems6 computers with three workstations per each, 12 students in total
School laboratory12 computers with three workstations per each, 24 students in total

Computer  labotatory with ASTER


Easy and intuitive setup

It stands out for its simplicity and intuitive setup. This means that even a user with less technical experience can easily implement and configure the program. This facilitates the adaptation and launch of the program, saving time and effort during the initial setup.

Centralized management

Allows administrators to monitor, control, and coordinate all operations and settings from one central point.

Space savings

Less system units are used, providing more space for other materials.

Energy savings

As only one system unit is used for multiple workstations, it reduces electricity consumption.


  • None


We need licenses to update the software in each laboratory and optimize its operation by 100%.

Cochabamba, Bolivia - February 2024
Latin American University ULAT
IT Supervisor
Osmani Asevedo